About admin

admin has written 10 articles so far, you can find them below.

How to Remove Pet Hair and Top Pet Hair Removers

Pert Hair Remover How to remove pet hair from upholstery Ah, Pet Hair. It is the bane of every pet owner’s life. It gets absolutely everywhere, and it looks horrendous too! Here we are going to run you through a couple of tips with regards to how you can remove pet hair from upholstery quickly and easily. If […] Continue reading →

Best Leather Furniture Cleaners with Conditioner

Leather Furniture Cleaners with Conditioner Why choose leather furniture cleaner with conditioner? Leather upholstery can last a lifetime if it is well maintained and taken care of. A good leather furniture cleaner with conditioner can clean the grime off your couch and at the same time help preserve the luster and beauty of your leather items. The cleaner component is […] Continue reading →

How to Clean Microfiber Couch

How to Clean Microfiber Couch How to Clean Microfiber Couch Microfiber couches are known to be durable and resistant to stains. They are made of a material that can resist soil and repel dirt and grime due to its polyester/polyamide fabric blend. Their synthetic fibers are hundred times thinner than a human hair. Microfiber upholstery is also hypoallergenic which makes […] Continue reading →

Natural DIY Upholstery Cleaner

Natural DIY Upholstery Cleaner Natural DIY Upholstery Cleaner Recipes We have covered a few natural DIY upholstery cleaner recipes in our previous posts, but due to a huge reader interest in green cleaning we would like to share a couple more ideas on nontoxic upholstery maintenance. Natural DIY Fabric Upholstery Cleaner You will need: ¼ cup of white vinegar […] Continue reading →

Best Leather Sofa Cleaner Reviews

Best Leather Sofa Cleaners If you were looking for the best leather sofa cleaner, you have come to the right place. Today we will help you choose the best cleaner to get rid of those annoying stains, oil residue and everyday dirt. While your leather furniture can be heart and soul of your living room, […] Continue reading →

How to Clean Leather Sofa

Leather sofa What is the best and most effective way to clean leather sofa..? A question that comes to mind to all proud leather furniture owners. Leather upholstery is a popular choice when choosing your furniture. And while it looks and feels great, it also requires certain care to keep it looking beautiful and fresh. First, there […] Continue reading →

How to Remove a Wine Stain

Wine stain Isn’t it fantastic to just sit back and enjoy a good glass of wine? However, we have all encountered that situation where we have accidentally spilled a little onto our upholstery, or perhaps, far worse a whole bottle. Congratulations, you now have a wine stain! This is something that you are going to want to […] Continue reading →

How to Remove a Grease Stain

Grease stain Having a grease stain on your furniture can be absolutely devastating and completely change the look of your furniture. Thankfully, however, they are incredible simple to remove. If you know how at least. Let’s take a little look. The first thing you are going to need to do is get some colorless laundry detergent. You […] Continue reading →

How to Remove a Coffee Stain

How to remove a coffee stain Who doesn’t love a good cup of coffee in the morning? It is the ultimate pick-me-up. Sadly, however, from time to time you may spill this coffee, and suddenly you are dealt a situation that needs to be fixed as quickly as possible. But how can you remove a coffee stain? Let’s take a little […] Continue reading →

Homemade Upholstery Cleaner

Homemade Upholstery Cleaners Dirty and stained upholstery. We all hate it, right? Sadly, no matter how much you hope for it, those stains simply aren’t going to disappear without a bit of work, and this is where upholstery cleaners come into play. Armed with a few select materials and you can be kissing goodbye to […] Continue reading →